CACFP - Child & Adult Care Food Program
This program is a state funded Food program that provides all day care centers with children from age infant to age 12 with 3 meals per day. You may choose from Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, and Dinner. Children are determined eligible for free, reduced, or paid meals according to income eligibility forms.
All for-profit and non–profit centers are eligible to apply for this program providing that they meet the proper requirements. Each meal follows the proper nutrition guidelines according to the USDA.

Current Day Care License
Alphabetized, Typed Master List of all the kids planning to attend in September of the school year.
Completed Copies of Income and Enrollment forms (PRINT PAGE 7 & 8) - Click Here To Download
A completed Food Service Application
Attend a Mandatory Training conducted by WCLDC. This session lasts approximately 2 hours with instructions on filling our Rosters and Meal Counts, serving amounts of food, and food handling according to state regulations.
If your Day Care Center have an After School Program with at least 10 children, please fill out an attached After School Food Service Application and After School Enrollment list.

​State Approval - Once all the paperwork has been submitted to WCLDC, it will then be sent up to the Department of Food and Nutrition for final approval. This process in its entirety may take several weeks.